Madrid, Asunción (Paraguay)
Advisory Council

Perhaps one of the essential aspects of the 11th BIAU is its naturality: building with what exists. This essential feature of the region is reflected in many of the selected works and is characteristic of the main exhibition, which brings together the winners in the different categories, in the wonderful setting of Asunción’s Central Station.

Naturality is the most remarkable canon of a set
of large format pieces, somewhat brutish, made of native wood. The constant presence of local material is perceived in the itineraries of an exhibition
that has converted wood and the Ayoreo belt –a commonly used item among the Paraguayan Indians– into its distinguishing features.

However, the obligatory and necessary vindication of the Ayoreo culture does not detract from
the ambitious gaze of a biennial where works, publications, academic works, texts and images of different and generous aspects coexist.

Hence, the main exhibition is completed with other forms of artistic and intellectual expression, among which a sample of large-format photographs called “Iberoamerican photographers” and the project, “Iberoamerican Transfers”, which is conceived as an exchange of sounds from the streets of several Latin American cities. Also a film festival is celebrated with a series of videos of “11 Iberoamerican Masters.” And round-table discussions around topics of special interest, such as “Memory and future”, “Urban Centres”, “Social Housing” or “Informal City”, in which some of the most recognized architects

in the region talk about their work and way of understanding architecture.

The BIAU aims to be a totally open meeting point and reflection. An opportunity for students and professionals to meet, get to know each other, recognize their links, relate and be heard. In short, a place and an opportunity for them to feel and be identified as part of a whole.

Initiatives such as the Biennial of Ibero-American Architecture and Urbanism allow, in addition, to demonstrating the excellence in the awarded works, to project a collaborative and associative attitude of our country and our professionals with their Ibero- American counterparts.

On this occasion, the BIAU will leave a long-term trace in the city, in the form of 13 projects that will be presented these days, and whose journey began a year ago. Located in La Chacarita, these projects were managed together with their inhabitants during various meetings in which they transferred to the architects (national curators and local teams assigned to each) their needs and concerns.